GREEN - The Thinking Dog (ACL)

GREEN - The Thinking Dog (ACL)

GREEN Class Focus - The Thinking Dog

A dog that runs up and SITS to greet you instead of jumping is a Thinking Dog!

A dog that can cope and not react when there are sudden changes in the environment is a Thinking Dog!

When dogs are taught a skill called “shaping” they become better problem solvers and will begin to think about how to earn rewards. Shaping behavior is simply a very easy and incredibly effective way to teach – it allows you to help your dog learn without having to use force or corrections.

This class will focus on the foundation of how to shape a behavior. Whether a dog is pushy or shy, bold or fearful, shaping will help them learn how to handle life’s stimulating or worrisome times and become more confident.


  The training facility is two doors East of the Animal Care League Building.

Event Properties

Event date 09-13-2017 6:30 pm CT
Event End Date 09-13-2017 7:30 pm CT
Cut off date 09-12-2017 11:55 pm CT
Capacity 4
Registered 1
Available Seats 3
Instructor Erica Kendzora
Number Hours 1
Location Animal Care League Annex (Oak Park)

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